The RAD participates in consultations over World Bank strategies and policies, representing the voice of global academia.
Ongoing call for feedback – World Bank Group Long-Term Strategy
As the global environment evolves, the World Bank Group is considering possible changes to its long-term strategy to better respond to the needs of the wide range of clients and stakeholders it serves. As one part of this effort, work began early in 2007 on a Long-Term Strategic Exercise (LTSE).
Feedback is collected in August and September 2007. Completion of the paper is scheduled for October 2007.
Read the draft LTSE Report Overview and provide feedback online !
Latest consultation – Governance and Anti-Corruption Strategy (GAC)
News! The World Bank Group is seeking online feedback on the Implementation Plan for Strengthening World Bank Group Engagement on Governance and Anticorruption.
Read the draft and send your feedback before September 20!
In winter 2006/2007, the World Bank held multi-stakeholder consultations over its new Governance and Anti-Corruption Strategy. The RAD participated in the online consultation process and issued a written statement with a set of recommendations for the World Bank, compiled by Anna Kuznicka, RAD Secretariat, and edited by Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Chair of the RAD in 2006.
RAD members who participated in the consultations represent universities, research institutes, NGOs, private enterprises and government agencies in the following countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Vietnam.
The RAD statement was presented to the World Bank Board. Details of the consultation process, feedback received and outcomes can be viewed at
Read the RAD contribution to the GAC
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