Download the RAD Membership Form (MS Word) or register online!
Current RAD Membership
The RAD currently comprises more than 600 representatives of 450 academic institutions, research centers, as well as research units in NGOs, bilateral agencies, the private sector and trade unions from all over the world.
If you wish to contact a RAD member at a particular institution, in a particular country or representing a particular specialization, please send an email to the RAD Secretariat.
Catalog of RAD member Institutions 2007
Prospective Members
Membership is in the RAD open to all university departments, research centers, think tanks and foundations that deal with international development – regardless of academic discipline.
Academic Liaison
Member institutions are encouraged to assign one Academic Liaison officer to the RAD. The Academic Liaison maintains a working relationship with the RAD Secretariat, and serves as a bridge between the RAD and his/her institution. Further, the Academic Liaison keeps his/her colleagues informed about relevant information on RAD events and opportunities, research trends, issues and resources, and ensures that researchers’ needs and concerns are conveyed to the relevant departments or units within the World Bank – the RAD’s principal interlocutor.
The Academic Liaison should be:
- A member of an academic/research body
- Committed to inclusiveness and have a broad intellectual perspective
- In charge of, or highly involved in, organizing events for his or her research unit
- Willing to enhance collaboration with the Bank on development research
- Able to commit some time and effort required to act as Liaison
- Proficient in English
RAD Member
If you wish to participate in the activities of the RAD without becoming your institution’s official academic laison, you may do so as well, as an individual. Please tick the relevant box in the membership form.
Newsletter subscriber
If you do not wish to become a member, but are willing to receive information from the network, you may sign up for the monthly electronic Newsletter by contacting the RAD Secretariat.
Download the RAD Membership Form (MS Word) or register online!
©2010, The Researchers Alliance for Development