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“From Research to Policy” Lecture Series
(Read more about the Lecture Series)

Co-organized by the World Bank and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, in partnership with the Researchers Alliance for Development (RAD)

Inaugural Lecture
November 7, 2007

Should developing countries open their economies to foreign trade and investment?

Keynote Speaker
: David Dollar, Country Director for China and Mongolia;
former Director, Development Research Group, The World Bank

Participants (by videoconference):
School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Government School, Beijing University, Beijing (5 pm)
Sciences Po, Paris (10 am)
London School of Economics, London (9 am)
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore (5 pm)

Watch the video of the lecture (broadband, dial-up)
View pictures (Paris site)
Download the outline of the lecture

NEW: Watch the interview with David Dollar!

Recommended reading list:
Dollar, David, 2002, “Reform, Growth, and Poverty in Vietnam,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2837.

Dollar, David, 2005. “Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality since 1980,” World Bank Research Observer 20(2): 145-175.

Rodrik, Dani, Arvind Subramanian, and Francesco Trebbi, 2004. “Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Geography and Trade in Economic Development,” NBER Working Paper 9305.

Winters, L. Alan, 2004. “Trade Liberalization and Economic Performance: An Overview,” Economic Journal.


Visit of Heads of Academic Networks to World Bank Headquarters
June 11-12, 2007, Washington D.C.
The Chair of the RAD and two Steering Committee representatives were invited to join the Visit of heads of international academic network to the World Bank headquarters, to meet with senior Bank staff and discuss ways of working together.
List of participants
Read the summarizing report.


RAD Annual Meeting and partial renewal of the Steering Committee
May 16, 2007
New composition of the RAD Steering Committee
Read the RAD Annual Report 2006/ 2007


3rd PhD Workshop on the World Bank
May 16, 2007, Bled, Slovenia
Papers presented during the workshop


Final Jury and Award Ceremony of the International Essay Competition 2007
May 17, 2007, Bled, Slovenia

Watch the ceremony online
Read the Final Report and Winning Essays
Essay competition website


Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE)
May 17-18, 2007, Bled, Slovenia

The RAD organized 4 parallel sessions at ABCDE Slovenia:

1. ‘Taxation and state-building’ (Odd-Helge Fjeldstad),
2. ‘Inclusive research in development’ (Diane Stone),
3. ‘Banking for Development’ (Javier Santiso),
4. ‘Private Sector Contributions to Development through Core Labor Standards in World Bank Lending and Procurement’ (Kristian Weise).
ABCDE Slovenia website

©2010, The Researchers Alliance for Development